Aurella Amphitrite (AuAm)

Дата выпуска: 24 июля 2023г.
Цена: ¥38,890 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: лимитированный, CWC Exclusive 22nd Anniversary
Молд: Radiance Evolution
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: translucent cream
Волосы: светло-сиреневый (новый цвет).
Чипы: сине-зеленые (прямо/special), темно-серые (вправо/special), светло-сиреневые (прямо/special), светло-карие (влево/special).
Макияж: светло-коричневые веки, коричневые и розовые тени, розовые румяна и розовый цвет губ с блестящим покрытием (plump musk) и размытием в уголках.
Особенности: специальные ресницы черного цвета, серьги, розовый лак на ногтях, особая форма губ.
Колечко: в виде бусинки.
Аутфит: два платья, перчатки, подъюбник, повязка на голову, зонтик, чоккер, шаль, серьги, носки, туфли, трусишки.
В комплекте подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) позволяет поискать и фото в гугле, и саму куклу на японских торговых площадках - オーレラアンフィトリテ
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Официальное описание:
CWC Exclusive 22nd Anniversary Neo Blythe “Aurella Amphitrite” Final Specifications Announcement★
"Aurella Amphitrite" lives in the deepest part of the sea.
She loves dancing with jellyfish because they dance with a joy that has a mysterious power that illuminates the floor of the sea.
"Aurella Amphitrite" comes with a selection of dresses based on the theme of the sea accentuated by light and pearls and are layered with an underdress and an overdress.
The underdress is three layers of light purple, pink, and shimmering pink for an elegant finish.
The overdress is inspired by the waves of the ocean.
The transparency of the organdy beautifully expresses the clarity of a pristine ocean. The skirt opens from the center to reveal the underdress.
Ribbons, baby pearls and lace highlight the back of the outfit.
Accessories include translucent aurora borealis bead earrings, a pink and white cord hair band, and a choker with baby pearls and rhinestones.
A new type of umbrella, an organza shawl, high socks, and strapped shoes colored with lamé and pearls to accent the essence of light on the sea.
The face type is Radiance Evolution. The face color is a translucent cream.
The hair color is a new color★ a subtly-toned light-purple. Fine-permed long hair with bangs evokes a glamorous style.
Makeup is full of the special specifications you would expect of an anniversary doll.
Eyeshadow is brown and dark pink, blush is pink, and lips are softly finished like gloss with a plumped mask and blurred edges painted clear and glossy.
Eyelids are light brown (molded color) and lashes are special black with longer lashes toward the outer corners of the eyes.
The eyes are all special colors selected to match the dress and hair color!
Blue green (front), dark gray (right), light purple (front), and light brown (left).
【Face Type】Radiance Evolution
【Face color】 Translucent cream
【Makeup】Eyeshadow: brown and dark pink, Lip: pink (clear finish with plump mask), Blush: pink
【Eye color】 Blue green (front), dark gray (right), light purple (front), light brown (left) *All special colors
【Eyelid】 Light brown (molded color)
【Eyelashes】Special black
【Hair color】 Light purple *New color
【Piercing】 Yes (Aurora Borealis beads)
【Manicure】 Pink
【Set includes】 Doll, overdress, underdress, hair band, earrings, choker, shawl, umbrella, petticoat, shorts, socks, shoes, and stand.
*This product is intended for ages 15 and up.
*Specifications are subject to change.
Release date: July 24, 2023
Suggested retail price: 32,890 yen (including tax)
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