Cherie Babette (ChBa)

Дата выпуска: 12 февраля 2016г.
Цена: ¥18,500 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: обычный.
Молд: FBL
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Translucent Fair.
Волосы: каштановые.
Чипы: розовые (прямо), светло-карие (прямо/special ), синие (вправо ), зеленые (влево).
Макияж: светло-коричневые тени, розовый цвет румян и светло-розовый губ.
Особенности: первая прозрачная блайз фбл молда, пухлые (puffy musk) губы.
Колечко: стандартное.
Аутфит: костюм медведя из двух частей, передник, нижнее белье.
В комплекте подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) - シェリーバべット
Группа на Фликре:シェリーバべット/
Официальное описание:
A Blythe in a bear kigurumi is so huggable! Neo Blythe, Sherry Babbette final specs!
Round and soft, her silhouette is just like a small bear cub! But she isn't just cute, but fashionable too!
Combining french fashion and her adorable looks, she takes walks in the city of Paris in the evening.
This Top Shop Exclusive Neo Blythe's charm points are her fluffy kigurumi, heart patterned jumper skirt, and her cute, funny face.
The kigurumi an over-all that covers the entire body with a cap, made to give the body a fluffy look.
We used two fur lengths for the different colors, and added cushioning to the tummy and behind.
Her arms and fingers have an added yellow fur color and the over all silhouette is relaxed and three dimensional look to it.
Her jumper skirt is decorated with a heart pattern and a gold applique of the word Paris, her favorite city in the world, as well as two pink satin ribbons adorning her chest. Sherry Babbette uses the first ever translucent cream skin of the Fairest variety.
Her puffy lips are also a first for Fairest.
Her brown hair is bobbed short, which is adorable and handy if you want to put the cap on.
She also wears brown eye shadow, a healthy pink color for the cheeks, light pink puffy lips, and a special brown color for one of the eye chips.
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