Chocolat Blythe (ChBl)

Дата выпуска: 15 декабря 2017г.
Цена: ¥25,600 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: лимитированный (коллаборация с Moyoco Anno, кукла по персонажу из манги "Sugar Sugar Rune", TOPSHOP exclusive).
Молд: RBL+
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Fair.
Волосы: микс из красно-каштановых и каштановых.
Чипы: светло-карие (влево /special), розовые (прямо/special с сердечком в зрачке), зеленые (вправо/special ), светло-зеленые (прямо/special с бликом в зрачке и черным краем).
Макияж: розовые и коричневые тени, коричневые веки, розовый (salmon pink) цвет румян и губ .
Особенности: черные специальные ресницы, лак на ногтях розового цвета, серьги.
Колечко: розовый кристалл в виде сердца.
Аутфит: платье, плащ, шляпа, носки, ботинки, перчатки, подвеска, серьги, панталоны, нижнее белье, лягушка, метла.
В комплекте подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) - マジカルワールドオブシュガシュガルーンプレゼンツ ショコラブライス
Группа на Фликре:
Sugar Rune offcicial site -マジカルワールドオブシュガシュガルーンプレゼンツショコラブライス/
Официальное описание:
CWC Produced Collaboration Neo Blythe! The Magical World of Sugar Sugar Rune Presents Chocolat Blythe!
Moyoco Anno's Sugar Sugar Rune is a comic about magic, love, and fantasy. Chocolat and Vanilla fight over the hearts of those in love to win the throne of the underworld, and their friendships, romances and rivalries are on the line! Blythe will be reborn as Chocolat Meilleure, dressed in her likeness featured in the cover of the first issue.
She wears a cool lamé dress with gold stitches, a low waisted belt, and a skirt that blooms out from the tulle material on the inside.
Her cape and pointy hat are made with a beautiful black fabric with a wonderful luster. The cape is lined with panels from the comic! She also has earrings, the heart collecting pendant, a pair of gloves, and a broom, as well as a pair of knee high socks, bloomers, and a 4 strap shoes. Her trusty frog familiar Duke is also in the set, with the Sugar Sugar Rune logo printed on his back!
In order to recreate Chocolat we made sure her make up was exactly right. Her faceplate is Radiance+ and her face color is Fair. We blended a mix of reddish brown and brown to make Chocolat's brick colored hair.
Her center parted hair is lightly permed just how it is in the comics, so reproducing scenes from the story will be easy, or even arrange it how you like!
Her eyeshadow is orange-is brown, and her eyelashes are a special black. Her eyelids are a darker beige, and her cheeks and lips are salmon pink.
All of her eye chips are a special color! The front facing chips are a black bordered green with drawn in highlights, and a pink with heart prints.
Face Type: Radiance +
Face Color: Fair
Makeup: Brown/pink eyeshadow, salmon pink lip, salmon pink cheek
Eye Color: Pink (front, with heart prints), green (right), light green (front, with highlights and black bordering), light brown (left) *All special colors
Eyelid: Brown
Eyelash: Special black color
Hair Color: Reddish brown/brown mix
Earrings: Golden ring charms
Manicure: Pink
Set Includes: Doll, dress, cape, hat, pendant, earrings, gloves, socks, boots, shorts, broom, frog doll, shorts (bloomers and undershorts) and stand (16.5 cm)
Available:December 15th, 2017
MSRP: 25,600 JPY
Photo Credit:
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