Gerda Eternity (GeEt)

Дата выпуска: 8 декабря 2017г.
Цена: ¥16,900 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: обычный.
Молд: RBL Renew
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Cream.
Волосы: каштановые с фиолетовым отливом.
Чипы: розовые (прямо), синие (вправо), светло-синие (прямо/special), зеленые (влево).
Макияж: синие тени, розовый цвет румян и губ.
Особенности: коричневые специальные ресницы, новый молд, сделанный на основе RBL, размер губ уменьшен.
Колечко: стандартное.
Аутфит: платье, подъюбник, кружевная накидка, корона, колготы, сапоги, нижнее белье.
В комплекте подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) - ゲルダエタニティ
Группа на Фликре:ゲルダエタニティ/
Официальное описание:
A wandering maiden of ice and snow, Neo Blythe Gerda Eternity is coming soon!
Where are my friends?
Even if a mountain of snow falls it won’t hinder my quest to find them.
We made a promise to meet again, and I’m going to keep it.
Gerda Eternity is designed to be a wandering fairy of snow.
Her dress neckline is made with a see through fabric with glittering rhinestones, and the skirt is embroidered with various snow crystals, creating a beautiful flowing silhouette.
The light blue frills peeking from her skirt increase its fullness.
Her white cape is made with a beautiful see through lace frilled with flowery blades, latched together with a pair of pearl toggles.
Her head accessories are a pearl blue crown with a comb bottom, bordered with a fur lining.
Her feet are covered in silver tights, and her boots are a pearlescent white with ice blue soles.
Her face type is Radiance Renew, and her face color is cream.
Her long hair is slightly permed with the bangs cut above the eyes.
Her eye shadow is blue, and her cheeks and lips are pink, giving her a very breezy yet gentle look. Her eyelashes are brown, and one of her front facing eye chips are a special blue color.
Face Type: Radiance Renew
Face Color: Cream
Makeup: Blue eyeshadow, pink lip, pink cheek
Eye Color: Light Blue (front, special color), blue (right), pink (front), green (left)
Eyelid: Default
Eyelash: Brown with a default shape
Hair Color: Purplish Brown
Earrings: None
Manicure: None
Set Includes: Doll, one piece dress, pannier, cape, crown, tights, boots, shorts, and stand (17.5 cm)
Release date: December 8th, 2017
MSRP Price: 16,900 JPY
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