Hoshinonamida Hime (HoHi)

Дата выпуска: сентябрь 2011г.
Цена: ¥20,790 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: 1500 кукол, совместный выпуск с "Baby, the Stars Shine Bright".
Молд: RBL
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Fair.
Волосы: светлый блонд.
Чипы: льдисто-голубые, голографическая подложка и звездочки в зрачках в обоих чипах (прямо/special), синие (вправо), розово-лавандовые, в правом чипе буква "B" (прямо/special), карие (влево/special).
Макияж: розово-лавандовые тени и веки, розовый цвет румян и губ.
Особенности: серьги, розовый лак на ногтях, особые ресницы.
Колечко: в форме звезды.
Аутфит: платье, юбка, ободок, перчатки, полусапожки, серьги, нижнее белье и микрофон.
В комплекте подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) - ベイビー,ザ スターズ シャイン ブライト×ブライス
Официальное описание:
"Baby, the Stars Shine Bright" have really converged their sensibilities of cute lolita fashion with Blythe. "Hoshinonamida Hime" is a galactic idol that captures people's hearts with her singing.
The outfit is color coordinated with midnight blue, white, and silver. Constellations, ribbons, an insignia of the letter "B" for "Baby, the Stars Shine Bright" and the 4 types of ribbons are also included on the outfit that really accentuates her look. Even if you're not a Lolita fan "Hoshinonamida Hime" has the cute looks and will surely resonate with people.
The over dress, has constellations, ribbons, and a "B" insignia in silver printing. The material used for the dress is velvet in midnight blue. The top consists a cotton lace with thin satin ribbons on the front and has soft short sleeves.
The center of her skirt is open in the center to show the lace of her skirt. The sides of the skirt are gathered and has a very soft silhouette. Smaller ribbons that uses the same material as the dress is placed on the front and the waist area, a bigger ribbon is placed in the back. On the waists there are pearl beads. 4 bigger satin ribbons are also placed on the waist area.
The skirt also consists of an original constellation motif and many tulle laces, the hem also has mini laces that makes this design intricately beautiful. To give the skirt some volume the inside of the skirt is applied with panier style tulle.
Her accessories include a katyusha and pearl white ribbon earrings. The katyusha uses the same material as the dress and is decorated with a big ribbon and pearl beads. The ribbon has a star shaped motif with a gold printing of the letter B. Her gloves are white and long. Her white half boots have platforms and long heels. The golden B is also marked on the side of boots.
She also comes with a stand up mic, charms, and color coordinated with a pearl white stand. On the top of the microphone, "Baby, the Stars Shine Bright" logo is printed on. This mic stand is exclusive to this product. The pull ring behind her head is replaced with a golden B with a star charm.
She has long blonde hair with bangs in a short princess cut with a loose curl. Her make up is a lovely pink, her eye shadow is lavender pink, cheeks and lips are pink and her skin is fair.
Группа на Фликре: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1711352@N25/
Photo Credit: www.blythedoll.com
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