Lady Panacea (LaPa)

Дата выпуска: 18 июня 2021г.
Цена: ¥28,490 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: CWC Exclusive.
Молд: RBL Renew / Radiance Renewal
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: snow
Волосы: оливково-зеленые (новый цвет).
Чипы: светло-синие (прямо/special), темно-синие (вправо/special), карие (прямо/special), светло-сиреневые (влево/special ).
Макияж: розово-коричневые тени с эффектом градиента и светло-коричневые веки, розовый цвет румян и особый макияж губ для увеличения объема (верхняя темнее, чем нижняя).
Особенности: светло-коричневые ресницы, серьги.
Колечко: золотой листок.
Аутфит: платье, плащ с капюшоном, украшение на голову в эльфиском стиле, гольфы, серьги, туфли, кружевное нижнее белье.
В комплекте подставка с бронзовым стержнем.
Название релиза (японск.) позволяет поискать и фото на гугле, и саму куклу на японских торговых площадках - レディ・パナシア
На базе Neo Blythe “Lady Panacea” также был выпуски «Lady Leroy» (Special Doll Vol. 5) и «Lady Royal» (Special Doll Vol. 7), созданные в рамках проекта JunieMoon "Memory of Twenty Years" в честь 20-летия Блайз.
Дата начала проекта: 29 января 2021 года.
Заявлен выпуск 12-ти кукол на основе последних релизов, но в других образах, которые вдохновлены любимыми Блайз прошлых лет. За создание нарядов отвечает бренд кукольной одежды Джуни Мун «Dear Darling fashion for dolls».
What is “Junie Moon Presents Memories of Twenty Years” ?
This is a special project with Junie Moon to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Neo Blythe. There will be a limited number of dolls with new clothing inspired by past Neo Blythe designs. There will be 12 releases in all.
The clothing are designed and produced by Junie Moon’s in-house doll clothing brand “Dear Darling fashion for dolls”. Dear Darling is responsible for the the design and production of these sweet outfits.
«Lady Leroy»
For the fifth special doll, Lady Panacea has been transformed into a romantic outfit like the heroine of romantic novel.
The style is based on the fashions of late 17th and 18th century with a Junie Moon twist. The dress is made of an original printed fabric, and the skit is lined with floral lace for a luxurious finish. Lady Panacea’s green hair is complemented by a crown of large flowers and a chocker with shining pearls in the shapes of drops.
Price: 28,490 JPY
Release Date: January 29, 2022
Set Includes:
Doll, dress, pannier, flower crown, choker, tights, shoes, stand, shorts, camisole
* please note that the dress cannot be worn over the camisole.
«Lady Royal»
The seventh special doll is Lady Panacea with an avant-garde elegance style.
The set includes a top dress, striped overskirt. The over skirt has a large asymmetrical hem. The key design point is the dress is clearly visible. The hem features layers of scallops and ribbons. The inner skirt peeks through.
She wears arm covers and a crown to complete her famous actress look!
Retail price: 28,490 yen (including tax)
Release date: Friday, April 8, 2022
Set Contents
Doll, dress, overskirt, crown, arm covers, tights, shoes, stand
Panties, shorts, camisole
*One-piece dress cannot be worn over camisole.
Официальное описание:
CWC Exclusive Neo Blythe Lady Panacea final announcement
Lady Panacea is a goddess who has the power of healing and infuses people with the power of regeneration.
She heals people and animals and is loved by all.
She will be there to help us, no matter how difficult things may be!
Lady Panacea wears a long dress made of floral lave and tulle with a graceful look.
The skirt is loose and full of tulle ruffles and accentuated with white flowers.
The softly shaped sleeves open at the shoulders and the silhouette of the skirt has a perfect train.
The cloak is made of chantilly fabric, embroidered with flowers and plants in pink, yellow and green with gold trimmings and a decorated gold braided edge.
The headpiece is made of gold vegan leather with a chain and faux pearl beads.
The earrings are a selection of gold flowers and drop pearl motifs.
For footwear, she wears white net high socks with gold strap shoes.
The face type is Radiance Renewal and the face color is Snow.
She has long, loosely permed hair with a center part in a lovely olive green (new color).
She wears brown and pink gradation eyeshadow, light brown eyelids, and special brown lashes.
She has pink blush and a special lip of dark lip upper lip with pink lower lip to give a dimensional effect.
Ever the eyecolors are special: dark blue right, light blue front, light purple left and brown front.
The eye change charm is the shape of a gold leaf and the stand is gold and bronze colors.
Face Type: Radiance Renewal
Face Color: Snow
Makeup: Eyeshadow brown and pink, lip dark pink top/light pink bottom, blush pink
Eyecolor: dark blue right, light blue front, light purple left and brown front.
Eyelids: Light brown (molded color)
Eyelashes: Special brown
Hair Color: Olive Green
Earrings: Yes, flower and pearl charms
Manicure: Light pink
Set includes: doll, long dress, hooded cloak, hair accessory, shorts, earrings, socks, shoes and stand.
* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Release Date: June 18, 2021
Retail Price: 28,490 JPY (tax in.)
Photo Credit:
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