Lorshek Molseh (LoMo)

Дата выпуска: 14 февраля 2014г.
Цена: ¥14,490 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: обычный.
Молд: RBL+
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Fair (natural skin).
Волосы: темно-каштановые.
Чипы: оранжевые (прямо ), розовые (прямо), синие (вправо), светло-зеленые (влево/special).
Макияж: коричневые тени, розовый (salmon pink) цвет румян и губ.
Особенности: молд Radiance+ - повтор оригинального молда RBL 2006 года.
Колечко: стандартное.
Аутфит: платье, шляпа, накидка, сапоги, трубка (картон), увеличительное стекло (картон), усы (картон), нижнее белье.
В комплекте подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) - ローシェックモルセー
Официальное описание:
Who do you call when you need the case solved? Lorshek Molseh of course!
She is a special British detective who is a crackerjack case breaker.
Her classic tartan outfit brings back memories of other famous detectives.
While she scopes out the case she has her trust pipe and mustache for an instant disguise!
Her dress is a chic tartan check. Theres a gold chain that sets off nicely the blue cape. Her tall lace up boots are perfect for searching for criminals.
Her detective's cap has a contrasting pink ribbon to give it a girly flare.
For her disguise kit she comes with a mustache, pipe and magnifying glass.
She has dark brown hair with straight bangs. She wears brown eyeshadow, pink lips and cheeks. She has special light green eyes set to gaze left. She is a Radiance + face with fair skin.
Her stand is blue.
Группа на Фликре: https://www.flickr.com/groups/2404777@N24/
Photo Credit: www.blythedoll.com
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She is a special British detective who is a crackerjack case breaker.
Her classic tartan outfit brings back memories of other famous detectives.
While she scopes out the case she has her trust pipe and mustache for an instant disguise!
Her dress is a chic tartan check. Theres a gold chain that sets off nicely the blue cape. Her tall lace up boots are perfect for searching for criminals.
Her detective's cap has a contrasting pink ribbon to give it a girly flare.
For her disguise kit she comes with a mustache, pipe and magnifying glass.
She has dark brown hair with straight bangs. She wears brown eyeshadow, pink lips and cheeks. She has special light green eyes set to gaze left. She is a Radiance + face with fair skin.
Her stand is blue.