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Spring Hope (SpHo)


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Дата выпуска: 7 мая 2021г.
Цена: ¥23,200 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: CWC Exclusive.
Молд: RBL Renew
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: cream
Волосы: микс из светло-розовых и розовых.
Чипы:   светло-карие (прямо/special), светло-синие (прямо/special), светло-розовые ( вправо/special), светло-зеленые (влево/special ).
Макияж: коричневые тени и светло-коричневые веки, розовый цвет румян и губ.
Особенности: светло-коричневые ресницы.
Колечко: в виде кроличьего хвостика с бантиком.
Аутфит: блузка, юбка, шляпка, корзинка, букет, туфли, носки, обруч с бантом, пасхальная открытка, панталоны.
В комплекте подставка.

Название релиза (японск.) позволяет поискать и фото на гугле, и саму куклу на японских торговых площадках  -  スプリングホープ

На базе "Spring Hope" также были выпуски "Spring Cadence"
(Special Doll Vol. 1) и  “Spring Mum” (Special Doll Vol. 3). 
Первая кукла проекта JunieMoon "Memory of Twenty Years" в честь 20-летия Блайз.
Дата начала проекта: 29 января 2021 года.
Заявлен выпуск 12-ти кукол на основе последних релизов, но наряды, за создание которых отвечает
бренд кукольной одежды Джуни Мун «Dear Darling fashion for dolls» инспирированы образами самых популярных кукол прошлых лет.
"Spring Cadence" - это переосмысление образа "Cadence Majorette".  В международной лотерее было розыграно 190 кукол.


Spring Cadence1.jpgSpring Cadence2.jpg


 “Spring Mum” (Special Doll Vol. 3)

 Spring Mum1.jpgSpring Mum2.jpgSpring Mum3.jpg

Do you remember our popular fairy tale designs?
Our third special doll “Spring Hope” is transformed into Little Red Riding Hood.

The focus of her outfit is a long, hooded cape with two tiers.  The hem is accented with Tyrolean tape.
The dress also uses red as it’s main color for a cute Red Riding Hood style with the fit and flair of Dear Darling.
The combination of the red outfit and pink hair color is very girly and cute!
If you tie the string of the hood around the neck, the big ribbon will become a point and it looks even cuter!

Price: 24,200 JPY
Release Date: December 17, 2021

Set Includes: Doll, long cape with hood, dress, tights, shoes, basket, accessories (wine, bread, red apple, green apple), stand, shorts, camisole
* The dress cannot be worn over the camisole






Официальное описание:

CWC Exclusive Neo Blythe “Spring Hope” final design announced!

In Spring, flowers are blooming, rabbits and chicks are having fun on the grass,
and the future is full of hope! I can feel it.
It’s going to be a great day!

Spring Hope wears the most lovely of Spring fashions with her blouse, skirt, and hat with rabbit ears.
The top is short-sleeved blouse with lots of cotton lace on the collar, sleeves, chest and hem.
The bottom is a gathered skirt with refreshing mint green checkered pattern. The design is elaborately detailed with pin tucks at the hem. cotton lace, and pink satin ribbon belt.  She also comes with a wide-brimmed hat with fluffy fur rabbit ears and flowers that tie a ribbon under the chin.

The undergarment are bloomers. On her feet she wears white socks and brown one-strap shoes. A mini card, bouquet of flowers and cute square basket with a pink ribbon are also included.

Her face type is Radiance Renewal and her face color is cream.
Her hairstyle is long with a perm. It is a mix of light pink and pink, to create a nuanced soft pink color.
She has brown eyeshadow with light brown eyelids. She has special light brown eyelashes with pink blush and lips.
Her eyes are light blue front facing, light pink right, light brown front, and light green left in all special colors.
The pull ring is a rabbit tail shaped eye change charm with a ribbon.

Face Type: Radiance Renewal
Face Color: Cream
Makeup: Brown eyeshadow, pink lips, and pink cheeks.
Eye Color: light blue, light pink, light brown, light green *All special colors
Eyelids: Light brown
Eyelashes: Special light brown color
Hair Color: Mix of pink and light pink
Nail Polish: Yes
Set includes: doll, blouse, skirt, hat, catsuit with ribbon, basket, Easter card, flower tassel, drawers, socks, shoes, stand

*Final product may differ from this image.

Release Date: May 7, 2021
Retail Price: 24,200 JPY (tax in.)


Photo Credit: www.blythedoll.com
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