Tokyo Bright (ToBr)

Дата выпуска: 19 сентября 2020г.
Цена: ¥26,700 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: лимитированный. 19th Anniversary doll
Молд: RBL Renew
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Translucent cream.
Волосы: жемчужно-белые.
Чипы: светло-сиреневые (вправо/special ), светло-зеленые (прямо/special), светло-синие (влево/special), светло-карие (прямо/special).
Макияж: тени градиентом от коричневого до розового, жемчужное напыление на нижних веках, розово-светло-коричневые веки, розовые румяна, прозрачно-розовый цвет губ, уголки губ выделены более темными линиями.
Особенности: серьги, черные специальные ресницы, ярко-розовый лак на ногтях, особая форма губ.
Колечко: серебряная звездочка неправильной формы на золотой ниточке.
Аутфит: два платья, подъюбник, ремень с бантом, жакет, колготы, ботинки, обруч с бантом, диадема, серьги (1 пара), нижнее белье.
В комплекте укороченная подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) позволяет поискать и фото на гугле, и саму куклу на японских торговых площадках - トーキョー・ブライト
Группа на Фликре:トーキョーブライト
Официальное описание:
We’re proud to announce the final specs of the CWC-exclusive 19th Anniversary Neo Blythe “Tokyo Bright”!
This years Anniversary Doll is themed around the city of Tokyo!
Wearing a dress that depicts a sparkling night scene like a jewel box, guests will be welcomed with open arms.
Tokyo is a fascinating city that blends good old traditions and heritage with an exciting mix of modernity and culture.
I hope that many people will be able to see the beauty of this city.
The fashion of "Tokyo Bright" transforms its image by arranging the fashion items in a coordinated manner.
Long dresses as a base, with overdresses and jackets to match the occasion!
The long dress is a tiered dress with a silver top and a black tulle skirt, encrusted with silver lamé on black tulle.
The skirt is a voluminous silhouette that pulls a short train.
The over-dress consists of a sleeveless top with a high neckline and a handkerchief hemline skirt with an illustration of a night view of the city of Tokyo!
An elongated bow at the bottom of the hem makes the backside look perfect!
Finished with a distinct jacket, which is also printed with illustrations of Tokyo's night skyline on all sides, and comes with a black leather-like belt.
Fashion accessories include a gold and silver tiara, a silver ribbon catsuit adorned with rhinestones and pearls, earrings with MM and XX designs, a pair of long silver lace-up boots, a gold and silver tiara, a silver ribbon catsuit, and a pair of gold lamé mesh tights.
The face type is Radiance Renew, and the face color is a translucent cream.
The pearl white hair is long and straight with bangs.
The eyeshadow is a brown and pink gradient. She has white pearls under her eye holes.
Her eyelids are a pinkish light brown (molded color) and her lashes are a special edition black.
The eyes are all special colors! Light Brown (front), Light Purple (right), Light Green (front) and Light Blue (left).
The blush is pink and the lip is a clear pink with a line at the corners of the mouth.
The eye change charm is a gold cord with a star charm.
Face type: Radiance Renew
Face color: Translucent cream
Makeup: brown and pink gradient eyeshadow, white pearls under the eye holes, clear pink lips (with a line at the corners of the mouth) pink blush
Eye colors: Light Brown (front), Light Purple (right), Light Green (front), Light Blue (left) *All special colors
Eyelids: Pinkish light brown (molded color)
Lashes: Special edition black
Hair color: Pearl white
Earrings: Yes
Manicure: Magenta pink
Set includes: Doll, one piece, jacket, overdress, back ribbon, head accessories (tiara and ribbon headband), earrings, panniers, boots, shorts, and a stand (approx. 15 cm high)
Release date: Saturday, September 19, 2020
MSRP 26,700 yen (excluding tax)
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