Twenty Years of Love (TYoL)

Дата выпуска: 27 июля 2021г.
Цена: ¥32,890 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: лимитированный. 20th Anniversary doll
Молд: RBL Renew / Radiance Renewal
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Chocolate (brown skin).
Волосы: микс из темно-каштановых и каштановых в новом сочетании.
Чипы: светло-синие с металлизированной подложкой (вправо/special ), темно-серые (прямо/special), сине-серые (влево/special), светло-карие (прямо/special).
Макияж: тени и веки насыщеного коричневого цвета, темно-красный цвет румян и губ.
Особенности: серьги, черные специальные ресницы, темно-розовый лак на ногтях, особая форма губ (новая, впервые у данной куклы).
Колечко: две цифры "2" и "0".
Аутфит: белое платье-чехол, нижнее платье-комбинация, подъюбник, мантия, черное платье (блуза и юбка), ожерелье, диадема, серьги (1 пара), туфли, наградная лента, кружевное нижнее белье.
В комплекте укороченная подставка и конверт с открыткой.
Название релиза (японск.) позволяет поискать и фото на гугле, и саму куклу на японских торговых площадках - トゥエンティーイヤーズオブラブ
Часть промо в большом размере вы видите здесь благодаря хомяку Олеси. Горячо рекомендую ее ресурс про Блайз "Blythe Kingdom"
На базе Neo Blythe “Twenty Years of Love” также был выпуск "Love Happy" (Special Doll Vol. 10), созданный в рамках проекта JunieMoon "Memory of Twenty Years" в честь 20-летия Блайз.
Дата начала проекта: 29 января 2021 года.
Заявлен выпуск 12-ти кукол на основе последних релизов, но в других образах, которые вдохновлены любимыми Блайз прошлых лет. За создание нарядов отвечает бренд кукольной одежды Джуни Мун «Dear Darling fashion for dolls».
What is “Junie Moon Presents Memories of Twenty Years” ?
This is a special project with Junie Moon to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Neo Blythe. There will be a limited number of dolls with new clothing inspired by past Neo Blythe designs. There will be 12 releases in all.
The clothing are designed and produced by Junie Moon’s in-house doll clothing brand “Dear Darling fashion for dolls”. Dear Darling is responsible for the the design and production of these sweet outfits.
"Love Happy"
Welcome Love Happy!
She will be dressed in real clothes fashion and dress style to match her "Twenty Years of Love".
She wears a white top and wide pants with side stitches and buttons.
The style is cool yet feminine.
The top is sleeveless to create a beautiful silhouette when worn with outerwear.
so that the silhouette is beautiful when wearing an outer layer. This is an item that can be used all year round, so you can enjoy coordinating it with your existing clothes.
The outer coat is made of three different fabrics with a playful design with pouty sleeves. You can wear it with the front closed or open to look cool and cute.
If you match it with a casket that is particular about its shape, you can further expand the width of your coordination.
The dress is a gorgeous style with lame gold fabric and six tiered layers!
The wide-open bust and the not-too-broad silhouette of the skirt make for a mature dress.
Junie Moon Presents Memories of Twenty Years
This is a special project from Junie Moon to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Neo Blythe.
A limited number of dolls in new clothes inspired by past Neo Blythe dolls will be sold.
The clothes are designed and produced by Junie Moon's doll clothing brand "Dear Darling fashion for dolls".
The latest information on the production process and image photos are available on the Dear Darling fashion for dolls Instagram page!
and image photos of the production process!
Please check it out!
Junie Moon Presents: Memory of Twenty Years "Love Happy"
Retail price: 32,890 yen (including tax)
Release date: Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Set includes:
Doll, long dress, top, denim pants, coat, hat, tights, shoes, stand, shorts, camisole
The dress cannot be worn over the camisole.
Shoes are not specially designed for Neo Blythe, so there is a possibility that the size may seem large.
Please wear tights or socks. It is recommended to wear tights or socks.
Группа на Фликре:トゥエンティーイヤーズオブラブ
Официальное описание:
20th Anni. final translation: Introducing CWC Exclusive 20th Anniversary Neo Blythe “Twenty Years of Love”
Blythe’s 20th anniversary doll, “Twenty Years of Love” will only be available by CWC produced shops.
We would like to express our gratitude and infinite love to all the people who have been involved in the rebirth of Blythe and all the fans who have loved her. It is our hope that this doll will inspire people all over the world, transcending national borders to feel the love.
The theme of “Twenty Years of Love” is Miss Blythe contest. It is set with two scenes of outfits that won the grand prize of the contest.
1st Outfit: Fashion, White & Gold coordinate dress with cape
The cape has a champagne gold inner dress and a sheer overlay. The overdress is softly tucked at the top and waist and resembles a stole hanging from the shoulders to the back. The inner dress is champagne colored with a gentle shine. There is a long petticoat underneath all of this to create a lovely volume of the skirt.
Over the dress she wears a long gold cape with floral motif. White Jacquard is used for the collar and edges of the gown.
2nd Outfit: Fashion, Black lace coordinate dress
The top of the set is a short bustier that beautifully shows the line of the décolleté and waist. The neckline, hem and cuffs are adorned with different lace and gorgeous finish. The skirt itself is made of two pieces, a black underskirt overlaid with a black lace fabric over. The waist is decorate with the same lace as the top.
Fashion Accessories
Crown: Silver rhinestones adorn the crown. The rhinestone glimmer in gorgeous light.
Sash: The winning sash is printed with “Miss 20th Anniversary”. It is accented with rhinestones and gold boarders.
Necklace and Earrings: The accessories are champagne-colored drop beads and transparent cut beads, give the design a sense of elegant beauty.
Shoes: Gold and lame stockings with Pearl-colored high heels with gold glitter are included in the set.
20th Anniversary Charm: The eye changing charm is in the shape of the anniversary numbers 2 & 0. * Comes with a message card.
The face type is Radiance Renewal, the face color is Chocolate (brown skin)
Her hairstyle is long, voluminous hair with bangs and a perm.
The hair color is a nuanced mix of dark brown and brown in a new combination.
The make up is nature yet charming that compliments her skin tone.
The eyeshadow and lids are a bolded brown color. She has special black eyelashes, her blush a full lips are dark red. The shape of the lip is a new model made for this doll.
The eyes are light brown, light blue with metallic light blue backing, dark grey, and blue gray.
Face Type: Radiance Renewal
Face Color: Chocolate (brown skin) *New color
Makeup Color: dark brown eyeshadow, dark pink cheek, dark red lip
Eye Color: brown, light blue with metallic backing, dark gray, blue gray *all special eye colors
Eyelids: Dark brown (molded color)
Eyelashes: special edition Black
Hair Color: Dark brown and brown blended mix
Earrings: Drop pearl and bead earrings
Nail Polish: Dark Pink
Set Includes: Doll, White dress (inner and outer dress), black dress (bustier and skirt), cape, petticoat, tasuki, stockings, shorts crown, earrings necklace, shoes, card and short stand for dress(14.5cm).
*Specifications may differ from final product.
Release Date: July 27, 2021
Retail Price: 32,890 JPY
Photo Credit:
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