Dauphine Dream (DaDr)

Дата выпуска: 31 июля 2015г.
Цена: ¥24,900 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: лимитированный. 14th Anniversary doll
Молд: RBL+
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Translucent cream.
Волосы: платиновая блондинка (новый цвет).
Чипы: светло-карие (прямо/special ), светло-голубые (прямо/special), синие (вправо/special), светло-сиреневые (влево/special).
Макияж: коричневые тени, светло-коричневые веки, розовый цвет румян и смягченный розовый цвет губ (со светло-коричневым контуром по уголкам).
Особенности: серьги, светло-коричневые специальные ресницы, розовый лак на ногтях.
Колечко: обычной формы, но голубого цвета.
Аутфит: платье, подъюбник, туфли, шляпа, ожерелье-чокер, серьги, нижнее белье.
В комплекте подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) - ドフィーヌ・ドリーム
Группа на Фликре: https://www.flickr.com/groups/2828755@N21/
Официальное описание:
With her well proportioned face, regal posturing, and decorated with many beautiful frills and ribbons, Dauphine Dream is everyone's target of affection.
Why not experience the 14th Anniversary of Blythe's return with Dauphine Dream?
Rococo in fashion, Dauphine Dream's dress is based off of the clothing the aristocrats and nobles of that age.
A floral and striped pattern create a base for the delicate lace and satin ribbons, with cloth roses sprinkled across to accentuate the romantic nature of the dress.
A ribbon acts as an elegant collar, her sleeves are wide and princess like, the skirt is filled and volumetric, and the bateau pleats short trainers are refined and pleasing.
Just as an Anniversary Doll should be, this year pulls no punches when it comes to how gorgeous it is.
To match the dress, her hat is as brilliantly coordinated.
A three colored rose corsage is used as an accent, which is paired with a ribbon and lace hat band.
Her small accessories are high quality as well, from the pearl and ribbon choker, ribbon ear ring, and rose printed pumps.
Her long hair is a silver-ish blonde which has been slightly permed and cut above the eyes.
Her translucent, creamy skin is accentuated by the eyes; light blue for the front, blue for the right, light brown again for the front, and
light purple for the left, all of which are special colors.
Her eye lids are light brown with brown eye shadow,
Her eye lashes are light brown, which is a new, enticing color.
Her cheeks are pink, and lips are pink with softened edges, with a light brown accent on the edges of her mouth. Her manicure is
Her pull ring and short stand are blue.
Her face type is radiance+.
Photo Credit: www.blythedoll.com
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