Lil Heart by Milk (Milk)

Дата выпуска: декабрь 2004г.
Цена: ¥17,640 ebay
Тип выпуска: лимитированный, 4000 кукол.
Молд: MLK-EX (SBL)
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Normal.
Волосы: тёмно-русые.
Чипы: изумрудные(влево/special), шоколадно-коричнеывые(прямо/special), светло-голубые(вправо/special), розовые.
Макияж: бежевые тени, розовые румяна и цвет губ.
Особенности: совместный выпуск с брендом молодежной одежды "Milk". Серьги.
Колечко: замок в виде сердечка.
Аутфит: платье, пижама, подъюбник, жакет, шляпка, повязка на голову, туфли, тапочки, серьги, сумочка и нижнее белье. фото
В комплекте подставка, коллекционная карта и специальный кейс для переноски куклы с надписью "Milk".
Название релиза (японск.) - ス「リルハートブライス」
Официальное описание:
Blythe is collaborating with edgy but romantic and girlie fashion brand MILK. Some people may already know the brand from their popular dolls at the Blythe fashion show. Like the name ЃgLil' Heart BlytheЃh,the little heart motifs are used on the package and the dress.
Her soft brown hair is lightly curled and she has a part side. The eye shadow is brown and her cheeks are lightly powdered pink. Her lip are pink, but not too flashy but perfect for going out. The shape of her lips are MILK original. The upper lip is little fuller than usual, giving her a gorgeous pout. The special eye colors are light brown (front), pale blue-green (left), light blue (right), and the standard color pink (front). The MILK logo is engraved on the heart-shaped pull charm.
The sleeveless dress is printed with little black hearts. The big ribbon in the center comes with a heart shaped charm with the MILK logo carved in. She wears a pink fake fur beret and matching bolero with lace-up high heel shoes to complete the romantic look.
She also has very cute nightwear. The pink camisole and flare shirts are accented with black laces. The matching hair band comes with a small black ribbon. She has pink rhinestone earrings and the same pink rhinestones in her slippers.
Lil' Heart Blythe comes with a very lovely original MILK carrying case. The carrying case is made from black synthetic leather with pink polka dots. A perfect bag for going out!
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