Slow Nimes (SN)

Дата выпуска: 2 октября 2012г.
Цена: ¥14,490 yen ebay
Тип выпуска: обычный.
Молд: FBL
Тип тела:
Тон кожи: Fair.
Волосы: светло-каштановый цвет.
Чипы: розовые (прямо ), синие (вправо), темно-серые (прямо/special ), зеленые (влево).
Макияж: коричневые тени, розовый цвет румян и губ.
Особенности: неоново-розовый лак на ногтях.
Колечко: стандартной формы, но золотого цвета.
Аутфит: топ, панталоны, пальто, берет, чулки, сапоги, нижнее белье.
В комплекте подставка.
Название релиза (японск.) - スローニーム
Официальное описание:
Slow Nimes is a unique girl who lives life on her terms. She chooses to live slowly and cherish each moment of the day.
Her coat and beret are navy blue and have crisp look. The coat has a special sailor suit style collar with cute lace. The shape of the coat is a lovely A-line with 3/4 length sleeves. She wears a cute camisole under the coat with white polka dot black bloomer pants. Her beret is adorned with two kinds of ribbon and lovely gold button to add to the nautical look. She wears dark red knee socks and two toned “lace-up” style boots.
Her hairstyle is long and straight with straight bangs. Her hair color is light brown. She wears beige eyeshadow and rose colored lips and cheeks. This natural make up gives her a healthy glow. Her face type is Fairest, in a long awaited “natural” tone. She has special grey eye colors in the forward glance. Her stand is dark brown and she has a gold tone pull ring.
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